Wind Power Forecasts
In contrast to energy generated by fossil fuels or nuclear power, the energy amount originating from renewable sources cannot be fully controlled. Above all, wind power production sometimes results in very large fluctuations, as one cannot influence wind force and occurrence at a definite site. Power utilities are obliged by law to correspond exactly to the energy demands of all customers resident here. That means power utilities require data on the anticipated wind energy level in order to be able to plan production of their own energy mixture correspondingly. Likewise, transmission system operators (TSOs) wish to know the energy level supplied by wind as accurately as possible so they know the capacity utilisation of their power network and hence avoid voltage fluctuations. Last but not least, traders and direct marketers require reliable wind power forecasts so they can make well-informed moves on the energy exchanges. EuroWind has the right product for all these concerns:
Our wind power forecasts according to the SOWIE calculation method are precise, accurate and always up-to-date. The forecast data is updated eight times a day in our standard product. The forecast horizon is up to 240 hours with a time resolution of 15 to 60 minutes. For the calculations we utilise the numerical weather models HIRLAM, GFS, UKMET and ECMWF. The compiled wind power forecasts can be called up either via our own web portal or by email, FTP or SFTP server. At present, we offer wind energy forecasts for 27 countries within Europe, but customised solutions such as forecasts for individual wind farms, portfolios or other countries are also possible.
To find out about the quality of our wind power forecasts, you can try out spotrenewables free of charge for a whole month. Do not wait any longer and register for your free trial access today.
Solar Power Forecasts
Similar to wind energy production, solar energy generation is also subject to natural fluctuations. As the share of photovoltaically generated energy in the energy mix is continually rising, accurate solar power forecasts are indispensable, both for the effective load control of transmission and distribution networks as well as for energy trading. This is where we come into play.
For maximum reliability, our solar energy forecasting system works with meteorological prognosis data from the numerical weather forecasting models GFS, UKMET and ECMWF, along with numerous station measurements by the German Meteorological Service (DWD). To guarantee a consistent forecast quality even in winter, the model takes the snow cover on the solar modules into account via a special method. This complexity is worthwhile: The forecasts from EuroWind offer the highest availability and failure safety. With a forecast horizon of up to ten days and a time resolution between 15 and 60 minutes, we provide updated solar power forecasts four times a day. Customised to your individual needs, we can compile forecasts for individual farms or entire portfolios, based on control zones or country levels – also for the rest of Europe. You can receive our forecasts optionally via an FTP or SFTP server or by email. Moreover, we offer convenient visualisations in graph or table form via our web service
Don’t forget that you can test spotrenewables for up to a month – free and without obligation. Get going now!
Forecast Data for Direct Marketing
Since 2012, the German Renewable Energies Act has given operators of wind energy and PV systems the choice of whether they wish to obtain a fixed and risk-free supply remuneration for their electricity from renewable energy sources or market this on the energy exchange. Besides a series of incentive premiums, the profit attainable for the direct marketer is derived from the instantaneous wholesale or spot market price, determined by supply and demand. We can help you to maximise this profit!
EuroWind provides a range of modular products that support you in your work as direct marketer. Our standard product, the so-called medium-term forecast for wind and solar energy output, is created using our power module. It provides data on the energy generation over a time horizon of up to 8 days, with updating every 6 hours. Building on this, we have an optimisation of the day-ahead forecast based on weather conditions in the area of short-term forecasts, i.e. forecasts for a short and immediate time period from 12 to 72 hours. This optimisation requires the use of our circulation-weather-type module (short: CWT module). We can also recommend our nowcast module to direct marketers who require fully up-to-date information as a shortest-term forecast, in other words a forecast based on a time period of maximum 6 hours. Here forecasts are visualised with a 1 to 6 hour forecast horizon, these updated hourly for daily trade. Please feel free to look at our EuroWind diagram for a better understanding.
No matter what module you opt for, one thing is certain: The high accuracy of our forecasts reduce your quantitative risk and the need for expensive compensation or even control energy. Do not wait any longer and start saving now! Try our products at
Nowcasts/Shortest-Term Forecasts
As their name implies, shortest-term forecasts (also referred to as nowcasts) provide information on a very short time period in the future, usually the coming 6 hours. This information is indispensable for direct marketers who are active in intra-day trading. EuroWind knows this and has created a suitable product for them.
Based on the most up-to-date production value ("now") and our certified SOWIE "forecast", we can compile a shortest-term forecast ("nowcast") for the coming 1 to 6 hours. How does all this work? In our statistical calculation method, current measurement values are projected into the near future and used as an additional predicator. The resultant nowcast can therefore close the temporal information gap between the publication of two SOWIE runs (about 6 hours). Our nowcast is normally updated hourly. The nowcasting process can be used on the portfolio, control zone or meter point level – for both wind and PV systems.
And what are your benefits? The possible improvement potential of the nowcast in comparison to standard intra-day forecastwith our SOWIE model is about 30% for the 2-hour forecast, but is influenced by location conditions and seasonal fluctuations. For you, that means a clear information advantage over other traders on the exchange. As an optional extra, the process can be optimised to the minimisation of a select error variable (e.g. balancing energy or MAE).
Sounds good? It is! Why not find out today and register at to test our country forecasts for free.
Actual Data for Wind Energy Production in Real-Time
Besides forecasts, the actual wind energy production values are also frequently of crucial importance to traders. But these are by no means easy to determine when hundreds of wind turbines and numerous operators – only a few of them reporting their real output – are involved. But EuroWind makes this possible. Thanks to our extrapolated actual data.
We offer online actual values calculated hourly for the wind energy supply throughout Germany. Up-to-date wind measurements of the national meteorological institutions are used to compute this data. Employing our specially developed 3D flow model, we can perform high-resolution simulations over the entire regional orography. Extrapolated actual values of the wind energy production in near-real time are derived from this. The main advantage for you: our actual data are available 2-3 hours before the release of the actual data from the European Energy Exchange (EEX). With us, you know which way the wind blows.
Be up-to-date and try out our actual data for one month - free of charge and without any obligation to buy at
Actual Data for Solar Energy Production in Real-Time
For immediate recording of the PV output actually supplied, EuroWind can provide current extrapolated online actual values of the solar energy production.
The calculation of the actual values is based on solar radiation data from spatially high-resolution satellite data (3 km resolution) and on the installed PV rated output in Germany. The updates occur hourly. By directly receiving the satellite data, we can provide the information with an updated accuracy of 15 minutes. Our solar actual values are available for all of Germany or based on control zones. You can receive the data both via (S)FTP or email, as well as visualised in graphic or table form via our web service
Find out for yourself and test our PV actual data without any commitment to buy. Sign up for a free trial account for spotrenewables now.
Multi-Model Weather Data
Some companies like working with their own forecasting systems. But where can the required input data be taken from? No problem, EuroWind has the remedy.
You will receive meteorological raw data from our various numerical forecasting models up to four times a day for your individual, weather-dependent applications. In concrete terms, we can provide you with time series of all standard parameters (e.g. wind, solar radiation, temperature, humidity, precipitation) with a forecast horizon of up to 192 hours. The time resolution is between 15 and 180 minutes. If that is not enough for you, we can supply historical re- calculations from 2012.
Our multi-model weather data is based on the British ECMWF model with a spatial resolution of 0.125° (about 13 km), the ICON model of the German Meteorological Service with a spatial resolution of 0.0625° (about 7 km), the British UKMET model with a spatial resolution of 0.04° (about 5 km) as well as the American GFS model with a spatial resolution of 0.5° (about 50 km). For the best possible accuracy, we calculate a weighted, combined forecast from all models. The data is transferred to any location via spatial interpolation processes. All data can be provided both by email as well as via (S)FTP server. It cannot get any better.